Information to guide you into the right step.
ENERGY STAR® and NC HEALTHY BUILT HOMES PROGRAM® are organizations that define the criteria for building efficient healthy homes. These homes are tested, inspected and registered to perform as designed. ENERGY STAR® requirements are the minimum to get into the NC HEALTHY BUILT HOMES PROGRAM®. ENERGY STAR® is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy designed to help us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. Athos Properties as Asheville green builders is proud to be a 100% ENERGY STAR PARTNER® and home builder meaning we will at the MINIMUM build to ENERGY STAR requirements. NC HEALTHY BUILT HOMES PROGRAM® is a collaborative program between the NC Solar Center, NC Energy Office, NC Dept. of Administration, and local building professional organizations with a common green goal. NC HEALTHY BUILT HOMES PROGRAM® provides a certification for meeting Asheville green homes guidelines and practices. The certification is awarded at the end of the project through a checklist that is maintained by the builder and inspected by a third party H.E.R.S (Home Energy Rating System) rater. There are many tiers and many options available for Healthy Built Homes. We at Athos Properties as Asheville Green Builders strive to receive the highest certificate available on each home with affordability in mind. Our finished homes provide LOW maintenance solutions, everlasting affordability and a green sustainable product that you can be proud of.
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